World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day

This month, we’ve teamed up with our friends at Nutrivitality this month in trying to help raise awareness for World Mental Health Day.

Every year the 10th October marks World Mental Health Day, the purpose being to raise awareness of mental health problems. Although mental health is now being discussed more openly, there is still a stigma attached to the subject.

Mental Health impacts every one of us in differing ways and while many of us find it difficult or uncomfortable talking about our feeling, it’s healthy to address and say how you’re feeling.

This year the theme of World Mental Health Day is ‘Mental Health in an Unequal World’. Although mental health can affect everyone, this year is highlighting the inequality to mental health services. Currently, between 75% – 95% of people with mental health disorders in poor to middle income countries are unable to access services for mental health issues; the figure for high-income countries is not much better.

Many of those suffering with mental health problems are not receiving the treatment they require. Until this issue along with the stigma attached to mental health is resolved the number of those impacted by mental health is likely to rise.

If you or someone you know is currently suffering from mental health problems it is important to reach out. Help is available. The list below is a number of places that can be contacted for help and support:

  • Contact your GP
  • Talk to your friends or family
  • Call the Samaritans for free on 116 123
  • Contact the Mind infoline on 0300 123 3393 or email [email protected]
  • For urgent support text Shout to 85258

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